Heat map tracking methods

Hot maps are the graphical representation of information that helps make quick decisions, whether on trading or non-trading platforms. In principle they allow us to record what people are doing with their mouse or track and then present their movements with the help of various color variations. Using a hot map test to improve the performance of your site is a great idea. It is a great tool for testing and tracking a website that gives information about the browsing behavior of a visitor on a particular website.

Representation of hot map data

Analyze the movement and click movements of visitors and present a detailed report in the form of color variations, list of tables, graphic content, etc. maximize customer and conversion.

When you analyze a color change pattern, the site elements with the most clicks are marked in red and are called hot spots, while the fewest clicks are marked in other colors such as yellow, blue, or purple, depending on the number of clicks received and called cold. portions. With this data, you can take the appropriate measures to improve the performance of the least browsed areas of your website.

Different Methods for Presenting Hot Map Data

  1. Interactive map data presented based on visitor clicks

These types of mouse click-based heat maps are called click heat maps and are based on variations of clicks and visit patterns on the site. This hot map device recognizes the items or areas with the most clicks and the territories with the fewest clicks on a website. It features visual interaction in the form of color variations that represent hot and cold parts of a website. A webmaster may use this analytics data in consideration of any modification to improve the performance of the unwise elements of the website.

  1. Dynamic map data presented according to the execution of the web page.

A dynamic map based on visitor movement analyzes the overall movement of the website and provides data on the most visited and least visited websites on the website. This dynamic map shows how far your page visitors are traveling. This hot map is generated by combining the color variations produced due to the differentiation of the least visited areas and the most visited areas of the page. The range of colors ranges from red to blue, from the most visited areas to the least visited, respectively.

The analytics information can be used to reorganize the layout and location of items on your site so that you can make major updates on conversion rates.

  1. Dynamic map data presented based on site information

This is a unique tool for representing data using simulated fish heat mapping, which is based on information from the website. It represents complete data about who visits your site, what platform was used to visit your site, where it was browsed from, time of the visit, and so on. This data helps extract your target audience from the crowd. After knowing the browsing behavior of your target audience, you can better plan the strategies and can present optimal business results according to their requirements and interests. Therefore, this crucial information will ultimately lead to higher customer engagement, sales and conversion rates.

A hot map is a valuable tool to drive your business expansion activities by greatly increasing conversion rates and sales. This analytics tool provides an impeccable response to improve the performance of your website, serving not only as an analyst, but also as a search engine optimization and conversion tool.

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