Boarding School

Now that your child is approaching their teenage years you are thinking that it is time to get them into boarding school so that you can maximize their chances of getting into a good university. Many parents are reluctant to take this step – they know that boarding school is good for their child, but the thought of being parted with them for long periods makes them hesitant. It is understandable if you feel this way, but there are certain things that you can do to make the transition easier for both of you.
It is very important that both you and your child know what the school is like, so you should schedule a visit before the reporting date. Your child will be able to see what kind of learning environment they will be in, and you will see what kind of care is provided. Boarding schools in England schedule an open day when parents and children can visit not just to see the school but also to meet the teachers and administrators.
It is important to make sure that your child is included in the decision to take them to boarding school. They should weigh in about whether they want to go. If they express fear it is normal – it is a place unknown to them, and it is even scarier because they will be away from you for a long time. However, you can allay their fears by talking to them about the boarding school experience. If you have never been you can find a responsible friend or relative who went to boarding school to talk to your child about what it’s like.
Visit the Cambridge Centre for Sixth Form Studies to see what a good boarding school in the UK is like. Check on to see the next open day.

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