Boarding Schools

Now that your child has reached her teenage years you are faced with a difficult decision – should you take them to boarding school or should they continue as day scholars until the time comes for them to leave for university? Many parents will choose the latter – they will let their child leave a home until they are older because they worry about how they will fare if they are sent to boarding school. Your child’s education is very important and the school you choose for them can have enormous implications for their future. Don’t be quick to come to the decision to keep your child at home before you give boarding school your full consideration.
One thing you ought to know is that most boarding schools these days take excellent care of their students. Not only are they provided with an excellent and wide curriculum they also live in comfortable quarters where they get everything that they need to ensure that they can succeed in their quest. The students are supervised by qualified and carefully selected adults at all times which means that you don’t have to worry about who will take care of your young one.
Boarding school has one great advantage over day school – since your child eliminates a daily commute they are able better able to focus on their studies. The time that is spent on the commute can be put to better use. Evenings will be spent on homework and other learning activities which increase your child’s odds of getting into a good university.
Cambridge Centre for Sixth form Studies is an excellent place to send your child. It has a great curriculum which is taught by highly qualified teachers as well as excellent living quarters. Find out more on

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