Posts in Category: private school

Importance of Avoiding Distractions for a Year 7 Maths Test

If it is time for your kid to take the year 7 maths test, you better take this seriously as this would have a huge impact on his or her future. First, you must let your kid avoid all the distractions there is when they are at school. Yes, that means taking out all the gadgets the kid has just so he or she can study the right way for the exam. Another thing to do would be to let the kid study at a place where the person would find a ton of peace and quiet. One splendid idea would be the library and if you just want the kid to stay at home then it can be the basement or the attic. Those places may be a bit dirty due to all the junk that are put there so better have them cleaned up before the kid starts staying there. Of course, you know you would not want to make your kid get sick while studying those places so better hire professional cleaners to make short work of the task. The year 7 Maths test will test what the kid has learned. Was the kid paying attention to the teacher or just talking to his or her seatmate about life for the past few years? Tests are not the teacher’s way to make the student realize that it would be in his or her best interest to do it. After all, it is just a way of letting them analyze what the student has learned. Not all will get passing scores and some of their performances are going to surprise you.

There will be a lot of distractions for the kid while the infant studies for his or her year 7 Maths test. Some good examples would be the television, concerts, and love life. When a guy or girl falls in love at such a young age, you know it is not right so the parent must avoid it from happening. Besides, there will come a time when they will be old enough to realize that you don’t really need to do that when you were young. You must do it at a young age but you will need a date for the dance anyway. Another possible distraction would be computer games as it seems to be the thing for young males. It is no wonder how you can really pinpoint where your weakness is. It is all about doing the right thing as you must eliminate these games for the time being. They are not that important compared to school but they can get pretty addicting when the time comes. When that happens, The Internet is the number one distraction for any student as you can’t blame the kid for checking his or her social media account every now and then for the next tweet by celebrities. It would be best to take out the WiFI at home so there is no way they would be able to do it.

Boarding Schools in Hertfordshire

A Hertfordshire boarding school is an excellent idea for any child – it helps them become more independent while they are getting an education. It is important, however, that as a parent you choose a boarding school for your child carefully – sending them to the first one that you come across can go horribly wrong. To start with, make sure that your child is involved in the decision to go to boarding school – not all children are suited to learning away from home.

As you look at schools consider your child’s character – some of these schools are highly competitive and if your child is of a retiring nature learning in such an environment would set them back. You should also consider the kind of curriculum that is on offer. Some schools lean heavily towards the arts while others prefer sciences.

Boarding arrangements are very important – your child has to be comfortable in order to learn. Many Hertfordshire boarding schools have shared dormitories, but if your child needs their privacy you can pay a bit more and get them their own room. Make sure that they get a balanced diet with enough food to sustain them. Find out what happens in case of emergencies – are you expected to take your child o the hospital yourself or does the school take action right away?

Your child also need emotional and spiritual support so the school that you choose should have someone on staff that the children can go to in case they encounter problems. The teachers and support staff should be proactive at spotting problems and once they do they should be able to act at once.

One school that will not fail your child is St. Francis’ College. They have an excellent curriculum for girls and they provide all the support that children need in order to be able to excel.

What You Should Know Before Seeking Admission to Private Prep Schools in the UK

With a language learning environment that is very international in outlook, every year, the UK welcomes over 600,000 global learners. It is, therefore, not surprising that this is one of the best and most popular destinations for those who want to master English learning. But how does one go about deciding where to seek admission from the impressive list of some of the best private prep schools in UK?

The Cost

Private prep schools in the UK vary widely in the range of their fees. It is, therefore, important to have a general idea of what you are ready to pay even before starting your search. Besides the fees, other costs that should be taken into account include the uniform, trips and outings, sports gear, and perhaps individual music lessons.

School Accreditation

To ensure your child is getting top-quality learning, verify whether the institution belongs to relevant UK association like the Member Schools of English UK, all British Council accredited, and include in excess of 50 language schools.

Course Diversity

Traditionally, the best private prep schools in the UK have an admirable reputation for thoroughly preparing children for entry to senior schools. This comes with a fierce diet of tests, revision, and extension work, suited for the robust, bright child. They offer your child potential to make a dazzling start in life with huge intellectual curiosity and excellent general knowledge as well as an in-depth appreciation of the cultural aspect of life.


Before you make the final decision, you may want to get an actual feel of one or two private prep schools by attending their open days. Don’t get dazzled by the glitzy prep school facilities-look beyond. Consider all angles and make a decision that’s informed by your child’s specific needs.