Boarding Schools in Hertfordshire

A Hertfordshire boarding school is an excellent idea for any child – it helps them become more independent while they are getting an education. It is important, however, that as a parent you choose a boarding school for your child carefully – sending them to the first one that you come across can go horribly wrong. To start with, make sure that your child is involved in the decision to go to boarding school – not all children are suited to learning away from home.

As you look at schools consider your child’s character – some of these schools are highly competitive and if your child is of a retiring nature learning in such an environment would set them back. You should also consider the kind of curriculum that is on offer. Some schools lean heavily towards the arts while others prefer sciences.

Boarding arrangements are very important – your child has to be comfortable in order to learn. Many Hertfordshire boarding schools have shared dormitories, but if your child needs their privacy you can pay a bit more and get them their own room. Make sure that they get a balanced diet with enough food to sustain them. Find out what happens in case of emergencies – are you expected to take your child o the hospital yourself or does the school take action right away?

Your child also need emotional and spiritual support so the school that you choose should have someone on staff that the children can go to in case they encounter problems. The teachers and support staff should be proactive at spotting problems and once they do they should be able to act at once.

One school that will not fail your child is St. Francis’ College. They have an excellent curriculum for girls and they provide all the support that children need in order to be able to excel.

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